MAP: Low-data Regime Multimodal Learning with Adapter-based Pre-training and Prompting


Pretrained vision-language (VL) models have shown impressive results on various multi-modal downstream tasks recently. Many of the benchmark models build on pretrained causal language models (LMs), leveraging the original few-shot learning and generalization capability of the LMs trained with large text corpora. However, these models are often gigantic and require large-scale image and text data with high computational cost to train. This paper introduces a moderate-size model called MAP for efficient VL transfer learning through adapter-based pretraining and prompting. We aim to answer the question of how much we can complete through VL pretraining within the low-data regime while maximizing efficiency in transferring knowledge of a moderate-size frozen LM. Our experiments demonstrate that MAP achieves substantially better zero-shot and few-shot performance on downstream VL tasks with only 10% the size of pretraining data and a 30x lighter pretrained LM backbone compared to Frozen. MAP also outperforms fully trained models of comparable size at retaining its transfer learning ability when the amount of training data reduces.

In Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD)
Wenyan Li
Wenyan Li

My research interests include NLP, machine learning and speech recognition.